Gabriel Hogan Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki.

Gabriel Hogan is a talented Canadian actor who has captured the hearts of many with his impressive acting skills. At 51 years old, he has significantly impacted the entertainment industry with his roles in popular television series and films.

He was born on January 7, 1973, in Toronto, Canada, and has been pursuing his passion for acting since a young age. With his exceptional performances in shows like Heartland, Traders, and The Associates, Gabriel Hogan has earned a notable reputation and recognition in the acting world.

Who is Gabriel Hogan?

Gabriel Hogan is an extraordinary actor from Canada. He was born on January 7, 1973, which makes him 51 years old! He’s acted in many TV shows like Heartland and Traders and movies like Peacekeepers. He got a special nomination for his role as Peacekeeper.

He loves playing different characters and telling their stories through his acting. Not only does he act, but Gabriel also enjoys playing the guitar, cooking yummy food, and spending time outdoors. He’s a fantastic actor and a person with a lot of interests!


Real Name Gabriel Hogan
Profession(s) TV Actor,
Birthday January 7, 1973
Zodiac Sign Capricorn
Age 51 years old as of 2024
Gender Male
Birthplace Toronto, Canada


Early Life and Education

Gabriel Hogan was born in Toronto, Canada on January 7, 1973. Even as a little boy, he loved to act! He would play pretend and create fun stories with his toys. When he got older, he went to school just like you.

There, he worked hard and learned many things. But his favorite part was being in the school plays. He loved playing different characters and telling their stories on stage. This is how he knew he wanted to be an actor when he grew up. And look at him now, he’s a successful actor who we all admire!

Parents and Siblings

Did you know that Gabriel Hogan comes from a family of talented actors? That’s right! His mother, Susan Hogan, and his father, Michael Hogan, are both actors. So, Gabriel got his love for acting from his mom and dad. He saw them acting on stage and in movies and thought, “I want to do that too!” Gabriel also has a sister named Jennie Rebecca Hogan.

She is an actress too. Isn’t that cool? A whole family of actors! Like Gabriel, his parents and sister love telling stories through their characters. This shows us that sometimes, what we love to do can be a family thing!

Gabriel Hogan Wife and Girlfriend

Gabriel Hogan is married to a very talented woman named Inga Cadranel. Inga is also an actress, just like Gabriel! They have been together for many years and love each other very much. Together, they have a beautiful family.

They enjoy spending time together when they are not acting in TV shows or movies. They like to cook delicious meals, go on fun family trips, and even act in plays at home. Being married to another actor must be fun, as they understand each other’s work. Gabriel Hogan and Inga Cadranel are not just a married couple. They are the best

Gabriel Hogan children.

Gabriel Hogan and his wife, Inga Cadranel, have a son together. Their son’s name is Ryder Hogan, and he’s a cute little boy! Like his dad, mom, and aunt, Ryder also likes acting and playing pretend. One day, he will also become an actor. Who knows?

Gabriel and Inga love spending time with their son. They go on fun trips, play games, and cook yummy meals together. Gabriel also teaches Ryder how to play the guitar. They love to strum the guitar and sing songs. It’s always fun when you’re with family. Ryder is lucky to have such fun and loving parents like Gabriel and Inga.

Gabriel Hogan Age, Height, Weight, and Physical Appearance

Gabriel Hogan is a big, tall guy! He is 51 years old but still solid and healthy. When you see him, you might think, “Wow, he’s tall!” That’s because he is about 6 feet 4 inches tall! That’s taller than most adults! As for his weight is 68kg.

But we know that he likes to stay fit and healthy. Gabriel has short brown hair and bright blue eyes. His smile is lovely, too! He looks good whether in a fancy suit for a movie premiere or his regular clothes at home. His height and looks help him play different characters in his acting career. Isn’t that cool? Just remember, everyone is unique and beautiful in their way, just like Gabriel Hogan!

Gabriel Hogan Before Fame

Before Gabriel Hogan became a famous actor, he was a normal kid, like you! He lived with his mom, dad, and sister in Toronto, Canada. As a young boy, he loved to play pretend and make up stories, just like when you play with your toys! In school, he was just like any other student. He studied hard, made friends, and played during recess. But what he loved the most was acting in school plays.

He loved pretending to be different characters and telling their stories to everyone. This was when he realized that he wanted to be an actor when he grew up. His dream was to tell stories through acting, and guess what? His dream came true! He is a famous actor who plays unforgettable characters in movies and TV shows. Isn’t it amazing how dreams can come true if we work hard for it? Just like Gabriel, you can also dream big and work towards making your dreams come true!

Gabriel Hogan Exploring Gabriel Hogan’s Acting Career

Gabriel Hogan dreamed of being an actor when he was a young boy. He worked hard and made his dream come true! He’s played many fun characters in TV shows and movies. Have you seen the show Heartland? Gabriel plays a character named Peter Morris. He also played roles in other shows like Traders and The Associates. He did a great job!

Gabriel was also in the movies! One of them is called Peacekeepers. His acting was so good in this movie that he was nominated for a unique Canadian Screen Award! Isn’t that awesome? Another film he was in is called Head in the Clouds.

When Gabriel acts, he likes to become the character he’s playing. He uses his imagination to think about what the character would say and do. This helps him tell the story more accurately and excitingly. Gabriel loves acting because he gets to tell stories and make people feel happy, scared, surprised, or even sad. Next time you watch a show or a movie with Gabriel Hogan, see if you can spot how he brings his character to life!

Gabriel Hogan Age and Net Worth

Gabriel Hogan, who is 51 years old, has been acting for a long time and has made money from his work in TV shows and movies.While his net worth is estimated to $4million, but we can guess he’s earned quite a bit from his successful acting career! But remember, it’s not just about how much money you make. It’s also about doing what you love, just like Gabriel loves acting!

Gabriel Hogan Legacy and Impact

Gabriel Hogan’s work as an actor has touched many hearts. His roles in shows like Heartland have made people laugh, cry, and think. He has also been a positive role model for kids, showing them that dreams can come true with hard work and passion.

He’s made a big difference in acting by being kind and dedicated. His work will continue to inspire people to follow their dreams, just like he did. So, remember Gabriel Hogan on TV or in a movie next time you watch his impact!

Gabriel Hogan Future Plains

We all are curious about what’s next for Gabriel Hogan, right? Well, as an actor, he always has exciting new projects. He might be seen in recent movies and TV shows or playing a fantastic character in a theater play.

Who knows? He might even perform in a music concert since he loves guitar playing. He might also try new recipes, grow plants in his garden, or go on a fun camping trip. Whatever it is, we know it will be unique, just like Gabriel! Keep your eyes peeled for what comes next!


  • When Gabriel Hogan isn’t on a film set or practicing his lines, he has a few hobbies that he enjoys:
  • Outdoor activities: Gabriel is a true lover of the great outdoors. He enjoys going for hikes, bike rides, and camping trips. This lets him enjoy nature and keeps him fit and healthy.
  • Cooking: He finds joy in making delicious meals for himself and his loved ones. Experimenting with new recipes is something he finds exciting.
  • Music: Gabriel has a passion for music. He loves listening to various genres and even plays the guitar in his free time.
  • Reading: As an actor, reading helps him understand different characters and stories. He loves diving into a good book, whether a thrilling novel or a factual autobiography.
  • Gardening: Gabriel also likes spending time in his garden. Growing his vegetables and caring for plants are calming activities for him.
  • Sports: He enjoys watching and playing sports like hockey and soccer. It helps him unwind and keeps his competitive spirit alive.
    Remember, it’s important to have hobbies that you enjoy. They can help you relax, learn new things, and make life more fun, just like they do for Gabriel Hogan.

Interesting Facts About Gabriel Hogan 

  •  Gabriel Hogan was born in Toronto, Canada.
  • He loves the outdoors and often goes camping and biking.
  • Did you know that Gabriel is not only an actor but also a musician? He enjoys playing the guitar.
  • Cooking is another one of his hobbies. He likes to try new recipes and cook yummy meals.
  • Gabriel also enjoys gardening. He grows his veggies at home.
  • He is a big sports fan and enjoys watching and playing hockey and soccer.
  • He has a love for reading and enjoys a good book. This helps him become a better actor by understanding different characters.
  • Gabriel was nominated for a significant Canadian Screen Award for his role in the movie Peacekeepers.
  •  He had an essential role in another movie called Head in the Clouds.
  •  You might recognize him from TV shows like Heartland, Traders, and The Associates. He’s a very talented actor.


You may have questions about Gabriel Hogan. Let’s answer some of them!

 Where is Gabriel Hogan from?

Gabriel was born in the beautiful city of Toronto, Canada.

How old is he?

As of 2024, Gabriel is 51 years old.

What does Gabriel like to do when he is not acting?

He enjoys being in nature and going for hikes or bike rides. He also loves to cook, play the guitar, read books, garden, and watch and play sports.

 Can Gabriel Hogan play any instruments?

Yes, he loves to play the guitar when he has free time.

Has he won any awards?

While he hasn’t won, he was nominated for a Canadian Screen Award for acting in the movie Peacekeepers.

What shows has he been in?

Gabriel has acted in many shows, including Heartland, Traders, and The Associates.
Remember, these are just some fun facts about Gabriel Hogan. He is much more than just these answers. He is a talented actor who enjoys many things in life!


Gabriel Hogan is an outstanding actor from Canada. He’s been in many TV shows and movies. When he’s not acting, he loves playing guitar, cooking yummy meals, and enjoying nature. He also likes to read books and play sports.

He’s not just an actor, but a person with many hobbies. Remember, just like Gabriel, it’s good to have things you love to do besides work. So, let’s keep learning, exploring, and having fun just like Gabriel does!

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